Munnar Bird List Coppersmith BarbetWhite-cheeked BarbetJungle BabblerRufous BabblerDark-fronted BabblerIndian Schimiter BabblerChestnut-headed Bee- eaterGreen- Bee-eater Photo courtesy-Internet Coppersmith Barbet White-cheeked Barbet Jungle Babler Rufous Babler Dark-fronted Babler Indian scimitar babler Chestnut-headed Bee-eater Green Bee-eater Blue-tailed Bee-eaterBlue-bearded Bee-eaterIndian BlackbirdPied Bush chatRed-whiskered BulbulRed-vented BulbulYellow-browed Bulbull Blue-tailed Bee-eater Blue-bearded Bee-eater Indian Blackbird Pied Bushchat Red-whiskered Bulbul Red-vented Bulbul Yellow-browed Bulbul Square-tailed BulbulOriental honey BuzzardAsian fairy BluebirdPalani Chilappansouthern CoucalHouse CrowJungle CrowSpotted Dove Square-tailed Bulbul Oriental Honey-buzzard Asian Fairy Blue-bird Palani Chilappan Southern Coucal Common Crow Jungle crow Spotted Dove Greater Racket-tailed DrongoBlack DrongoAshy DrongoRufous-bellied EagleBlack EagleCommon RosefinchNilgiri Flowerpecker Greater Racket-tailed Drongo Black Drongo Ashy Drongo Rufous-bellied Eagle Black Eagle Common Rose-finch Nilgiri flowerpecker Asian brown FlycatcherBrown-breasted FlycatcherNilgiri FlycatcherGrey JunglefowlRed spurfowlBlack and orange FlycatcherVerditer flycatcherGrey-headed canary-flycatcher Asian Brown Flycatcher Brown-breasted Flycatcher Nilgiri Flycatcher Grey Junglefowl Red Spurfowl Black and Orange Flycatcher Verditer flycatcher Grey-headed canary-flycatcher Brown-cheeked FulvettaCrested GoshawkCommon KestrelWhite-throated KingfisherBrahminy KiteAsian KoelGolden-fronted LeafbirdOrange Minivet Brown-cheeked Fulvetta Crested Goshawk Common Kestrel White-breasted Kingfisher Brahminy Kite Asian Koel Golden-fronted Leafbird Orange Minivet Small minivetSouthern Hill MynaCommon mynaJungle mynaVelvet-fronted NuthatchGolden OrioleBlack-hooded orioleBrown Fish Owl Small Minivet Southern hill Myna Jungle Myna Common Myna Velvet-fronted Nuthatch Indian Golden Oriole Black=hooded Oriole Brown Fish Owl Spot-bellied eagle OwlVernal Hanging-ParrotMalabar ParakeetRose-ringed parakeetNilgiri PipitPlain PriniaSpeckled PiculetGrey-fronted Green Pigeon Spot-bellied Eagle-owl Vernal Hanging Parrot Malabar Parakeet Rose-ringed Parakeet Nilgiri Pipit Plain Prinia Speckled Piculet Grey-fronted green Pigeon Mountain Imperial PigeonPainted bush QuailOriental Magpie RobinWhite-bellied SholakiliWhite-headed Malabar StarlingLittle SpiderhunterLoten’s SunbirdPurple Sunbird Mountain Pigeon Painted Bush Quail Oriental Magpie Robin White-bellied Sholakili White-headed Malabar Starling Little Spiderhunter Lotten’s Sunbird Purple Sunbird Purple-rumped SunbirdCrimson-backed SunbirdBrown ShrikeLong-tailed ShrikeBar-winged flycatcher shrikeBarn swallowRed- rumped swallowIndian swiftlet Purple-rumped Sunbird Crimson-backed Sunbird Brown shrike Long-tailed Shrike Bar-winged Flycatcher shrike Barn Swallow red-rumped Swallow Indian Swiftlet Roufus treepieOrange-headed thrushMalabar whistling ThrushBlue-caped rock ThrushNilgiri ThrushCommon tailor birdGrey WagtailWhite-browed wagtail Roufus Treepie Orange-headed Thrush Malabar Whistling Thrush Blue-caped RockThrush Nilgiri Thrush Common Tailorbird Grey Wagtail White-browed Wagtail Green WarblerGreenish warblerLarge-billed Leaf WarblerBlyth’s Reed-warblerWestern Crowned-warblerTickell’s Leaf-warblerIndian White-eye Green Warbler Greenish Warbler Thick-billed Leaf Warbler Blyth’s Reed Warbler Western Crowned Warbler Tickell’s Leaf Warbler Indian White eye Greater Flame-back WoodpeckerWhite-bellied woodpeckerHeart-spotted woodpeckerBrown-capped pygmy woodpeckerMalabar woodshrikeAshy woodswallowNilgiri Woodpigeon Greater Flame-back woodpecker White-bellied Woodpecker Heart-spotted woodpecker Brown-caped Pygmy woodpecker Malabar Woodshrike ashy Woodswallow Nilgiri Wood Pigeon Note- The above given is not a list of all the birds seen in Munnar and surrounding regions, but a list of some of the bird species that are sighted very often.